Thursday, January 03, 2008

Uncharted Waters

HAPPY NEW YEAR! It feels strange to say it. Can you believe its 2008? Could you have imagined at the beginning of 2007 all the changes 365 days would bring? What a difference a year makes. It’s worth noting that you are who you are today because of the choices you made yesterday. I wonder who you’ll be; what you’ll be doing, where you’ll be doing it and who you’ll be doing it with this time next year. You don’t have to wait to find out. The choices you make today set your course for tomorrow.


Before we go gang busters into this New Year and new season I want to express the gratitude and love Londa and I have for each of you. This past Christmas you all blessed Londa and me with a gift that was incredible and undeserved, yet highly appreciated. As many of you know I’m working toward a Masters degree. I’ll bet you never dreamed that the chocolaty delight we’re still munching on and the gift you gave might actually make me smarter!? Well, maybe not smarter, maybe just a greater repository of the trivial and sublime.  Whatever the case, your care for us has been exceedingly great. To use the words of Paul, “I thank my God every time I think of you…for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now.” (Phil. 1:3, 5)


I’m excited about 2008. There’s a part of this year that feels like we’re stepping into uncharted waters. Like the intrepid explorers that have gone before us I believe we will discover that these uncharted waters lead to a land of promise and destiny. There is no question regarding God’s intentions towards us in this coming year. His desire for us is only good. The question is whether or not we will make the journey with Him.


In the next several weeks you’ll meet the man and his family I believe God is calling to provide leadership within the Christian Arts Ministry and I will step more directly into my new role helping shape all the ministry teams of the church. Continue praying that God will work through this transition to make the ministries of First Baptist Owasso the best they can possibly be.


As we make this journey together I hope you realize that God blesses a church by blessing individuals and families within the church. God is doing a great work in the life of the one will come to lead the Christian Arts Ministry. God is doing a great work in me and my family. I hear stories of God at work in you and in other members of the Christians Arts Ministry. And throughout the church I discover even more ways God is blessing individuals and families. We serve a great God who is doing great things and bringing great people together all in one place – that place we call First Baptist Church.


I hope that today you will take a moment to recognize God’s work in your life. Stop and listen, notice where you are. Take time to take your bearings. As we step into 2008 let’s make certain this journey we take together is guided by the only One who really knows our destination and the best way to get there. The choices you make today set your course for tomorrow…what wondrous adventure and incredible journey this is going to be!


Love y'all, God Bless,




Notes to Notice


This Week In CAM

This Sunday is January 6th. It's VISION DAY! The morning services will be led by the Celebration Choir, Praise Band, Praise Team, and Instrumental Ensemble. This week during the New Community Service the evening Praise Band and Praise Team will lead.


January 26th - 27th

Mark these days on you calendar. Events are yet to be announced, but they will shape the course of our church and the Christian Arts Ministry for years to come!



I would love to hear your feedback. Respond to this email or visit to leave comments about theScore!


Christian Arts Ministry Purpose

The goal of the Christian Arts Ministry is worship. Our desire is to teach Believers to delight the heart of the Father with every area of their lives, passionately expressing their love for God through the use of every talent and resource He's given us for His glory and His pleasure.


Order of Service

•          Rock of Ages - CHORUS

•          Rock of Ages - Hymn (in 4 with a half time feel)

•          Let the Praises Ring

•          Just As I Am (in a strong 6)

•          Find Us Faithful (solo)